Saturday, June 23, 2012

Popular Demand

And this little gem, from our very dear friend Chrissy Deiger, who does this professionally (although this picture was part of a very spur-of-the-moment photo shoot in Toledo):

For the longest time, Violet was what we liked to call "a tough crowd." She smiled a lot, she chuckled quite a bit, but it took a great deal of effort to get a laugh; and if she laughed at something, she only did once. (The second time we got a rolling laugh, for example, she was about three months old. Jason kept saying, "Happy bath! Happy bath!" in this ridiculous, high-pitched voice, and she found it hilarious. For the next two weeks [at least], one or the other of us would try the phrase over and over to no avail.)

It felt like she was thinking, Yeah, I laughed at that. I already laughed at that. What else do you have?

Which was a challenge Jason and I were up to, although I can't say we were regularly successful.

And I loved this about her. I found it cute and smart and probably gave her more credit about it than I should have.

 But do you know what's even better? A baby who laughs often, and -- dare I say? -- this week it seems like we have one of those on our hands.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

THIS baby.

THIS one, you guys. THIS baby. THIS is the baby we live with.

Also THIS one...

THIS one...

And THIS one:

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Where We Wed

We've been visiting Indiana monthly since Violet was born. On our most recent visit, we took her down to the beach where we got married: