Monday, December 19, 2011


Her name is Violet, but mostly we call her Mouse, or Mouse House. We are not certain if she is indeed the mouse, or if she is simply a vessel in which many mice live. Based on the noises that come out of her, hour to hour, it is difficult to say. When she dirties a diaper, Jason says, "Eviction from the Mouse House! I understand you gotta get 'em out, but do you have to chew them up first?" in an old-timey voice. As with just about everything else these days, it's charming.

Moreover, she's the aviator of various aircraft. She is a polite hiccupper. After a feeding, she enjoys a good bit of a dance, which ends up looking a little bit like casting spells and a little bit like Thom Yorke in the "Lotus Flower" video. We have been compiling video and will hopefully post some soon.

Mostly, she's the best baby EVER. She sleeps a lot, snuggles even more, and when she's awake has this endearing quality of just looking around at things, calm and alert.

More pictures and probably the birth story for anyone who wants to hear it coming well as a MILLION AND ONE thank yous!

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