Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Marriage = Compromise

Another showing by my favorite artist, Jason DePasquale! Jason started student teaching this week (hooray!) at Ann Arbor Open (hooray!), and, so far, his days have looked like this:

- Coffee starts up via robot at 6:30am
- Up, showered, and out the door by 7:40am
- Student teaching all day
- Straight to Dawn Treader to work
- Home around 9pm

On Sundays, he works at Acme. Saturdays, I imagine, will become the day for sleeping. At any rate, his appearances on this blog for the next few months might be few and far between, and rightfully so. Enjoy him while you can get him, is what I'm saying. We've got a couple of Mittenfest posts in the wings. (Honestly, I thought we'd do a ton of comics behind the 826 booth, but we wound up talking to a lot of people and coloring all the awesome robot pictures people were drawing. Coming soon to the window of the Liberty Street Robot Supply & Repair!)

Ready? Here goes:

Furthermore, for those of you interested in DIY poetry wall hangings, you can still find a few in Press 34's shop. All the books sold out, within twenty-four hours, no less! (Press 34, for anyone I haven't told about it, is a new small publishing house I've started. Small runs, thirty-four, to be exact, of handmade books. The first one, The Lion by Catherine Calabro, is currently for sale. It's half books and half wall hangings. A book of photography triptychs and another poetry collection coming soon!)


  1. Blaine loves pulp, so I just use a small strainer and some cheesecloth to pour my juice. I love him so much that compromising brings me great joy.

  2. I guess the fact that I have learned to be okay with pulp bodes will for future courtships ;)

  3. What about "His and Hers" orange juice cartons? They could sit side-by-side in the fridge.
